Catamarano Bali 4.0

Bali 4.0

Porto Olimpico di Barcellona, Barcellona (Spagna)

Skipper 200 € / giorno


Partenza Ritorno
  • 4 cabine
  • 2017 (2019)  anno
  • 8+2 posti letto
  • Randa steccata  
  • 4 docce
  • 39 ft (11,93 m)  lunghezza
  • 4 toilettes
  • 1,00/1,12 m  pescaggio
Piano della barca Bali 4.0


  • Misc.

    • Guides & Maps
    • Safety equipment
  • Leisure

    • MP3/Jack
    • Paddle
  • Kitchen

    • Coffee maker
    • Electric refrigerator
    • Forno a microonde
    • Freezer
    • Fridge
    • Stove
  • Electronics

    • 220V converter
    • Anemometer
    • Autopilot
    • Chart plotter
    • GPS
    • Radar
    • Sounder
    • Speedometer
    • VHF DSC
  • Deck equipment

    • Bimini
    • Capottina paraspruzzi
    • Cockpit table
    • Deck hand shower
    • Electric winch
    • Electric Windlass
    • Speakers in cockpit
    • Swimming ladder
    • Tendalino
  • Comfort

    • Air-conditioning
    • Fans in cabins
    • Generator
    • Hot water
    • Piattaforma bagno
    • Watermaker
    • WC elettrico


Partenza Ritorno

Opzioni & Extra

Di norma il pagamento degli extra viene effettuato in loco, salvo indicazioni contrarie date dalla società di charter. Potrete comunque avere maggiori dettagli dalla base o dal referente commerciale GlobeSailor.

  • Obbligatorio

    Pulizia finale

    0,00 €
    120,00 € / giorno

    Skipper (pasti non inclusi)

    0,00 €
    200,00 € / giorno
  • Incluso nel prezzo

    Aria condizionata

    Incluso nel prezzo


    Incluso nel prezzo

    Paddle (SUP)

    Incluso nel prezzo

Una cauzione di 3000 EUR ti sarà richiesta dall'armatore prima dell'imbarco

I commenti dei nostri clienti su questa barca

5,0 · 1 commenti

  • 5

    Great boat, excellent captain, and overall fun trip.

    The boats layout is fantastic, we love all the different places to eat and drink from. The boat had a lot of spices, oils, etc and we had asked them to stock the boat with a list of food and beverages which they did a pretty decent job with given some dietary restrictions and the translation of such. The boat fit our family of 5 very well, plus we had 3 guests for some day trips around Ibiza. We were traveling during an extreme heat wave and the first few nights in the cabins weren't comfortable as it was only a fan (the boat had AC for the galley but we never tried it). We then moved to sleep on the padded deck and all slept much better under the stars and actually saw some shooting stars which left an impression on the kids.

    Our trip started at Club Nautico, Ibiza where our boat had a VERY expensive berth although the view and access to the port was a quick drive from the airport. We got to explore Formentera and the water was amazing, crystal clear, warm, and with tons of fish! The cove / beach at Cotton Beach Club Ibiza was really nice for a swim then a trip on the dingy to the beach club for lunch. The Santa Eulilia port was probably our favorite although we didn't get much time there.

    The overall condition of the boat was very good, bathrooms had warm water for showers (there wasn't a separate shower area as shown in the layout / photos), I think everything on the boat worked, especially helpful was the Wifi which allowed us to work and let the kids watch some Netflix.

Porto Olimpico di Barcellona

Porto Olimpico di Barcellona

Il Porto Olimpico di Barcellona si trova nella zona nord della città; è un porto sportivo, ricco di bar e ristoranti. Se decidete di partire per una crociera a Barcellona, salpando dal Porto Olimpico potrete godervi una piacevole navigazione costiera e vivere la famosa movida di Barcellona. Vi consigliamo anche di approfittarne per visitare la città: Barcellona vi aspetta!

Itinerari consigliati


Partenza Ritorno